Originally Posted By: Carl

But a love which keeps us in a inferior state (awaiting an embrace or a hit) is not what helps us grow stronger and more secure in our lives, in my opinion.

I urge you to seek counseling. I urge you to tell your social worker all that has been going on.

Battered females the world over live with the punishments, the apologies, and the expressions of love. Their whole world becomes pleasing the one who is controlling them.

Don't let this be you! You can break free.

He does NOT keep me in an inferior state of being! I refuse to tell my social worker about this. Why the hell should be so clued up in my personal life?! I am not weak and I am NOT being controlled! Don't make me sound weaker than I am! mad

Originally Posted By: PDM

But really, Raven, he has no right to slap you.

You have been worrying about him.
You have felt let-down by his talk of the other girl.
Did you lash out at him?

Whatever ~ whether you have annoyed him, or he is feeling guilty, lashing out and slapping your face is unacceptable behaviour.

I know he had no right, but no one here understands him the way I do. The reason I don't lash out is because I don't believe hitting someone will make a difference... ok, unless I'm in a real rage, which doesn't happen often (thank God). He was just really angry and I understand because I can relate.

"My name is my law"