Over the last year and half i have been seperated from my wife. we are going through a divroce. We are holding off on the filing of the papers untill she is out of school becuase of her school funding, I don't want her to have to change her name on more paper work then she needs to and possibly lose her funding becuase something doesn't get filed correctly. I love my wife more then i have ever loved any women i have ever known My mother and grandmothers included. Im not saying i could never love another women as much as i love my wife at this moment I just don't know that i want to love another women and i know that im not ready to move on. I love my wife to the point that i find my self doing things that i have never done before. I have backed off I have let my wife live her life the way she wants to with out my interferance although im there when she wants to talk or just needs a friend. Im not sure what her actions mean though and how i should react to them. that is where i need advice. here is a list of what she does Subtle and not to subtle.

#1) I catch her looking at ME when i play with our daughter and watch her turn her gaze away quickly as if ashamed she was looking at me.

#2) the way she sits on the couch facing me sometimes just a little to close where we are touching.

#3) this is the BIG ONE she has me sleep in the bed with her. there is no sex involed and I find her every once and a while when it is cold or if she had had a couple of beers or a few glasses of wine ( no she doesn't drink much ) I find her cuddled up to my back or she is just a little too close.

#4) She changes her clothes ( shirt Bra Pants and panties) right infront of me, She does ask if it bothers me But just something that seems like no women would do if there wasn't something there.

Now none of this really bothers me it is the intentions behind all of these actions. It is also i don't know how if she IS interested to take one of those times to move it back into a chance to rekindling a possible romantic relationship. I knwo she is busy with school and our daughter. Guess i just want advice.