PDM To start off I will answer your questions. How old are we? She is 25 so to be 26 I am 31. How long have we known each other? pushing 7 years now Married for 4 years. She was 18 I was 23. Our daughter is 21 months. When we first separated I was out of work and had been for a while. She was working while pregnant and I was doing day labor to help. She felt that I didn't have a future or something like that. Even though the deal was she was going to finish school while I was worked then she was going to work while I went to school. well I worked she graduated I quite my job to follow her and she was working and I was trying to make money so I could go to school. She had gotten pregnant right after I moved to be with her. she started to feel taken advantage of and started the divorce talk. for some reason which have never been fully explained to me she finally decided she wanted the divorce. Does she know how I feel, Yes I have told her many times how I feel about her. Has she told me how she feels? She hides her feeling very well and tells me only what she thinks I want to hear. Which is annoying and I don’t know how she really feels. There was one point where she had gotten pregnant again and we talked about getting back together ( it was a one night thing about 4 months ago) well either she wasn’t really pregent and then started that time of the month, or she miscarried. She thinks she miscarried. Either way she isn’t now. And every once and a while she talks about what it would be like to be pregnant right now. I don’t know why she does these things and then turns around and acts like they are no big deal. She also makes comments like “ it is funny how old habits die hard, when im cold and bundled up I just want to curl up to you” Now this doesn’t sound like a habit that would be hard to break if there was nothing there to me. There was lots of affection in our marriage if there was anymore then we would have NEVER be able to work or have a social life. As for her loving me I think she does. She is spending most of Christmas with me and my family under the guise of letting me have time with my daughter. But the thing is would she just let me take her for the time instead of spending the time here also? Well the sharing the bed thing is: I go to her place to see my daughter, and I usually spend the night so spend as much time with her ( my daughter) as I can. And yes I really mean with my daughter I love that little girl that is hurts. And well it get cold on the floor in the apartment, and she offered once for me to sleep in the bed and with my feeling for my wife it was more then I pass up. So yes we sleep in the same bed usually when I’m there. The changing the cloths isn’t every time she changes her cloths it is just if im in the room when she is changing her clothes she again uses an excuse of “It isn’t anything you haven’t seen before.” Af for the time I spend there Yes it is only when I go visit my daughter But that might change here soon Im going to be taking a job that is closer to her, Right now I live two hours away. The area she lives in I have no friends other then her there. So I will be probably be spending more time with them. As for family counsoling we did that it worked great while we were going, then she moved for school and we had to stop then things suddenly changed we went one more time when things agian and she was just silent while there. Like there was nothing more to talk about I told her how I felt and she just acted like she didn’t care at all. We don’t insult or criticize each other at all ever even when we are alone. Thank you.