PDM Yes we have been completely separated for the entire time although we were “together” for a while after we started counseling But never lived together and then broke up again after we stopped counseling. Not sure why really she told me it didn’t have anything to do with me, that I hadn’t done anything. So I suppose it was that she just had a change of heart or possibly was afraid of us slipping back in to old habits again. When I talk about us sleeping together and no sexual contact that is sense the last break up. As for another baby I know she wants to have about 5 kids altogether. As for now she has one. She hides her feelings to protect people from them. She is afraid of confrontation. Honestly I cant trust her with my heart she had broken it more then once now. Im sure she is looking for her freedom she had never lived on her own before and I think that she wants that experience. I help her a lot more then I think she knows I do. Although I don’t hide it from her but I know that the extra money I give her on top of the child support and going over to watch our daughter so she can have a much needed night out with her friends really helps. I also know that If I didn’t do these things for her that she would not be able to survive she would be living with her parents again. Unfortunately, I don’t think she really knows what she wants. And from day to day it changes for her and again she hides her feelings because she doesn’t’ want to hurt me. I have been thinking about sitting her down and talking to her telling her something like this…. “I know we have had a hard time over this last year and a half. But I still love you. I don’t want to put any pressure on you. I don’t want to make you commit to anything your not ready for, or to take away your freedom. We are both in a position where it wouldn’t be a good idea to force those things on to us. But I still wish to be with you in a romantic relationship but I think it would be best to not put a label on it so there won‘t be any pressure or commitment that will have to be follow other then the basic monogynies I.E. no sleeping with other people .” And after that just leave it up to her to talk to me or to make some sort of action one way or the other. Anyways Christmas was awkward with her being here from the 23rd to the 25th three days 2 nights she then went home to her parents house and will only be there for one night which seems weird But hey there doesn’t seem to any part of our current relationship that isn’t weird. The more I look at us we act like a married couple with out the intimacy or shared housing.