Kissing Tips and Techniques:
First Kisses:
This will drive her a awesome way!

Alright, this is kind of a game, but it only has one rule. For the first 10 min tell her that you cant kiss on the lips. (or however long you want) So then just kiss her really close to her lips and then move down the neck and just tease her and tant her right next to lips. Then turn her around and put your hands on her waist (or in the front pouch of her hoodie) and just start pressing your hands down on her lower stomach and rub your hands around and keep applying pressure. This somehow triggers the hormones in a girl to rage and go insane...then kiss her right below her belly button while rubbing her upper leg. Then go back to her lower neck and work you way back up...but before you kiss her lips put your fingers over her mouth and kiss you fingers. It will drive her mad, and then just start making out and she will be soooo ready for it!

I made out with this girl and she had a boyfriend and we couldnt i just did all that (without the kissing at the end) and didnt technically "kiss" her...she was so horny by the end she called and broke up with her bf and we made out all night....and other stuff...

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