Cheating and Lying:
I Have Cheated - Now What?:
Keep your guilt to yourself
Trust me on this topic. If you have cheated on your girl and you're feeling guilty.... Keep it to yourself! If you feel bad about it it is your cross to bear. She will only feel worse than you ever could about having done it. I love the woman I am with and trying to repair a wonderful thing. She wishes that I had kept it to myself though she understands why I had the need to tell her. She's said that I have a clear conscious and she gets this shite dumped in her lap. It's not the way to go. If she asks you then be honest but if you have cheated than be a bigger man (or woman) and carry your guilt inside and never, never, never do it again. "Love the one you're with".
I Have Cheated - Now What? >
Cheating and Lying >
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