Recovering from a Breakup:
Inspirational Stories:
Addiction Love

I was dating a guy that had an addiction for two years. I thought I could change and keep him clean... that only lasted for 6 months out of the two years, then after that things seemed to be getting worse for me. I lost my job, went in debt upto my eyeballs (sound familuar?)he Cheated with his x-wife, he slapped me around plus more. We broke up in May of 08 and since he was arrested for Assault and Battery with a deledly weapon, my councler advised that I dont contact him at all, wich at first was the most difficult thing to do. I choose to let GOD back into my life and things started to change for me. Not having any money for 6 months I dont know how it happened, but I survived. I finally landed a great carreer, getting back on my feet feels great. About three months ago, HE called... I answered not knowing who it was needless to say I tried again in this relationship, but the lies have continued and the addiction is getting worse. The sad part is,is that he has a 2 year old son that I was around since he was 9 months old. I know he's not mine and cant help the baby. I've finally became strong enough to let go, and take this thorn in my side out so I can heal. It's been a bumpy raod for me-career, finances, love life. I know down the road things will get better and look at this as an experience and learn from this aweful mistake. I know God has placed someone like this in my life for a reason and will reflect when the pain is gone. As for now, I'm riding SOLO and just want to enjoy the good things in life and love myself again. My Tip would be, be careful with these types of people, they can really take you for an unpleasant ride.

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