Cheating and Lying:
My Partner has Cheated on Me:
My entire relationship was a lie
I met this girl, and it turned out we had a lot in common, and we really liked each other. We stayed together really strong for 6 months, then started to have problems and she blamed those problems on me, because I was trying to get involved in other aspects of her life to know more about her. Don't let your partner ever tell you that you're not aloud to know about them. We ended up seperating because of it and a few weeks later I checked her emails and discovered she had been cheating on me since the very beginning of our relationship. I discovered this today, and it hurt more than anything actually reading their conversations and having them repeat in words of what they had and done together.
I'm pretty sure the other guy has no idea of me either. Now im stuck with this heavy feeling in my chest, and it hurts. I heard someone else on this site talk about it. I haven't gone far yet after finding out about it, and I have no idea whats going to come next. I mentioned to her and she just said im crazy.
Don't let them put you down, they are a horrible person. If you know what they did shove it in their face. Let them know how you feel, what they did you. I know I can still find it in my heart to forgive her, because I loved her more than anybody, and she was my first. But she will have to suffer and work when she wants me back, and I know she will.
For all of you who have been cheated on, learn from it, but don't have a hard time trusting people because of it, or deciding you hate a gender type because they seem to hurt you.
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