Cheating and Lying:
I Have Cheated - Now What?:
cheating in iraq

most people that deploy to hostile areas for a long period of time develope a really high stress level. which leads me into my greatest mistake. i cheated on my wife in iraq. it wasn't love. but does that mean i don't love my wife also. it doesn't! you are gone for a long time. (1 1/2) years that is long time to be fighting a war. stress was high it just happened. i still love my wife. believe it or not i love her more then ever. i am not saying it was right but i feel it made relationship stronger on my part i can tell you this i would never do it again but i wouldn't change it for the world life is a learning experiance live it up. if its not one thing its another. problem in life that is.

I Have Cheated - Now What? > Cheating and Lying > Romantic Tips

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