Kissing Tips and Techniques:
First Kisses:
First Kiss

Take control! My first kiss was at a party. I was about fifteen minutes from leaving, and my ex came up to me and hugged me; it felt so nice. Ever since our break up about a year before then, we'd been kind of friendly, but also not. I was just about to leave, so I said goodbye to everyone, but I left my most important goodbye until last- my ex. I was feeling confident, so I walked up to him and he had a stupid party hat on; I knocked it off. He jokingly protested, and I said, "Shut up and kiss me." This was only a lip kiss. There were 3 lip kisses that lasted about a second each. I felt so good afterwords, especially because I had been confident enough to kiss him.

Remember girls, girl power! We aren't Amish, now are we?

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