Cheating and Lying:
Signs of Cheating:
A wolf in sheeps clothing.
The worst experience ever. I have been seeing a man for 1 and three months and I have had to put up with alot of disturbing situations. Let me explain. He says he is a christian and invited me to go to church with him. In the beginning we did alot of things with our children when he had them on the weekends or breaks. I really thought "what a great guy" we talked alot about the Bible. In the beginning i was told about a woman going through a divorce in the church much she wanted him but he wouldn't go there because he valued covenants so much. 4 months into the relationship he posted nude pics on a website and told me about it...I got very upset. He said he took them down. He was only on there for the flirting. I wanted to scream Liar. More disturbing is he is a teacher and proclaims he is a christian. I have had to deal with numerous women... all the while he is telling me how fat they are and he would never be attracted to them in the least. I also find out woman is divorced and saw the picture messages she sent to his phone. He says he ignores them. I posed a question "Seriously, why not just tell her your not interested". On websites, he insists that he is single...yet is intimate with me. So when someone comes across his website these women will think oh heres an available if he is going to come out and tell them about me...perfect way to keep his options open and i put up with it. A single woman currently on his website wrote him on another website. He said he told her he was seeing me but we weren't serious..which i told him...(after being upset) that is telling her you are shes on another website as his friend...and I am not to be jealous and question what that is all about. He says He cares for me...another lie. He has verbally and emotionally abused me saying its all in my mind. there are no other women. yet, refuses to publicly display us as a couple. Recently he has had more appts for massages and working out at the gym and going up to the mtn. One time last year my car broke down outside his house. Some woman was driving by several times. My daughter said how if she was waiting for us to leave...she kept looking over at my car. He gets mad at me If i ask him if there is another woman. He starts calling me crazy, psycho, bitch and its all in my head. How do we as women get so caught up in believing this.I am sad that I questioned myself writing it all out on paper has helped me so much and if this was happening to a best friend I would tell her to get out...because he is a hypocrite and a liar. When a man puts a woman down for wanting to know that she is in a monoagamous relationship and he fails to honor that...move on. Its hard. But if i continue this, I am exposing myself to not only being lied to but exposing myself to sexually transmitted diseases.
Signs of Cheating >
Cheating and Lying >
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