Love Poetry:
Love Poems - Classics:
Do I Really Want Him
I don’t know what to say.
I don’t know how to act.
I don’t know why you want me,
with the way I act.
I treat you like dirt.
You tell me this each day.
I don’t appreciate you,
like I did last may.
You treat me like a princess.
I tare your heart apart.
I don’t know why I can’t commit to you,
the way I do my art.
You hurt me so bad,
inside and out.
You say you love me.
Then you just skip out.
How am I supposed to react?
I am so confused.
Do I really want you,
or do I want you to fade away like I do this bruise?
This is the big question.
What ever should I do?
Does my heart yearn for you?
Or does my heart lust for you…
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