Kissing Tips and Techniques:
First Kisses:
-* Tips for Guys and Girls *-
GUYS~ If you see her and her back is turned, sneak up on her and put your hands in her front pockets. If she,s talkin to friends or somethin, put your finger to your lips and warn them to be quiet. When you slide your hadns in, say something sweet in her ear like "Hey there beautiful" or somethin like that. This is for after youv,e had your first kiss and all. :)
GIRLS~ If your guy ever hugs you from behind, tilt your head back or to the side, wherever you think his face is, and kiss him lightly on the lips.
GUYS~ If your girl has straight hair, play with it. Its most likely soft, so twist it between your fingers.
GIRLS~ Your guy usually LOVES it when you fall asleep on them. If their have their arm around you, lean into them, and slowly close your eyes. You can fake it if you want to. Soon enough, the,ll play with your hair. If you eant to make him go crazy and blush, start muttering things soflty like, "him him him him" or "I love you" or just say his name over and over. My boi loves it :) (Works best later at night)
GUYS~ Hold her! make her feel safe. If she is scared, protect her. If you really love her, you will be able to get this wierd feeling that shes in trouble. Stand in front of her, and hug her alot after. If she starts crying about something, hold her and tell its going to be okay, your her. Over and over!
GIRLS~ Let him protect you. Look to him before your friends. If your scared, he,ll know, and save you. Sometimes, after he "Rescues" you, just lean on him and cry. Let it all out, even if you arent one to cry, it will make him think he has to protect you. Like he can,t ever let go of you.
Sorry its long... :)
PS: These are form a girl!! so Boys, I know what we like. GIrls, trust me on this...Let,s just say ive had enough chances to test these theories :)
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