Cheating and Lying:
I Have Cheated - Now What?:
I left for another woman - don't do it

Sort out your relationship problems first. If it isn,t going to happen, then leave and spend some time reflecting before starting on another relationship. The guilt of hurting someone else you,ve spent a lot of time with isn,t worth it and you lose plain and simple, especially if you live together - emotionally, materially (and spiritually) and a little bit of you goes that is unlikely to come back, whatever you do. It will be some time before you manage to ,get it together,, your ex will will always be hurt and the other woman will be wondering if the same thing,s going to happen to her.

One of the worst things I ever saw was my wife,s face as I drove away - it will never leave me.

I Have Cheated - Now What? > Cheating and Lying > Romantic Tips

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