Is It Love:
Signs of Love:
why is it so hard to tell him 'I LOVE YOU'?

i feel that as women or girls we want the men to take lead of the relationship. When u sit there and talk to that special someone everything he says makes u smile or the littlest thing that he says means the world to you. Well I am now currently talking to this boy we talk everyday, we speak on the phone until it hits 2 in the morning, I sit there waiting for his text and get excited when he replies back with that name he usually calls u like bae,babe,baby, or even beautiful I love him but I just don,t kno how to express this feeling to him I feel that it is too early for him to kno how I feel.... I want to tell him cuz we both are open and... honest to eachother is just that we don,t even go out yet and we have been talking for about 4 months already what do I do? I don,t kno but all I kno is I don,t want to rush things cuz he truly is my love

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