Cheating and Lying:
My Partner has Cheated on Me:
Cheating and lying
I have been dating my boyfriend for about 7 months now. At the beginning of our relationship it was amazing! and then
things changed alittle , I had previous trust issues from past relationships and he told me that he was cheated on also and how he would never do this to anyone.A couple months later I found text messages disguised as his " boss's mother" claiming that they had hung out together. He admitted he went over her house while I was out work and claims he was visiting an " old friend" and all they did was eat pizza and watch a movie together, and I would have been upset that is why he hid it from me. My trust is absolutley ruined now in this realtionship but I am still trying to hold on for something like more proof or maybe nothing happened between the two of them, I am completley confused and a wreck over this!
My Partner has Cheated on Me >
Cheating and Lying >
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