Cheating and Lying:
Statistics about Cheating:
Cheat as you deem fit.

What each and every one of us wants is different - some want compassion and safety, others passion and power, and yet other affection and tender care - it may or not boil down to pure passionate sex, but who cares - in someone's eyes it's "cheating".

People cheat because there is disgruntlement, disagreement and/or disappointment. Humans, arguably like many animals, are insatiable. We will never be satisfied – and if we do become so, it’s only a long hard search and mission to become so.

Gender, age, financial stability, society, geographic location, approach, etc. all make (successful) cheating possible… or impossible. If you want something – take it! – No one will give it to you unless you make the first move. Do NOT become the victim of a loveless and lacking relationship – even if it means not getting married – so be it! – Enjoy your life – it is all you have – we are not slaves. Who is to dictate what one does with it – NO ONE, but Yourself!

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