Cheating and Lying:
Statistics about Cheating:
Now I know why we get sick and die

"cheat as you deem fit" whoever wrote that is indeed an animal, of the lowest kind.If we were made to have sex as we deem fit then we would not get sick doing so!Hpv, Aids,hepatitis, and the list goes on.I would not drink out of a cup I just found and yet people think it is O.K to sleep with someone you hardly know!We humans never learn do we, Women please read about HPV and the cervical cancer risk, value your body, even if you are spared from an illness, cheating makes you cheap, yes notice cheat and cheap are close. All you men who cheat, you are wimps who can not be manly enough to control your manhood and respect women. next time you cheat on your wife, think about how you would feel if your dad cheated on your mom, or if your son-in-law cheated on your daughter.

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