Cheating and Lying:
My Partner has Cheated on Me:
'I love him too much to let him go'

I just found out that my boyfriend cheated on me last week. He says he,s really sorry and loves me, but I don,t know what to do. Surely if he loved me, he wouldn,t of done it? But he also said he was pissed and didn,t know what he was doing. I look at him in a different way now.. I know I,ll never forget what he did. I can,t stop thinking/picturing what happened, it hurts so much. But the worst part is that I love him too much to let him go. He could hurt me as many times as he wants and I still wouldn,t be able to leave. I admire those who can walk away and move on' I wish I could. Advice to whoevers reading: if you believe he,s truely sorry and wouldn,t do it again, give him a second chance. If you have the strength to walk away, do it! You don,t want to feel the never ending pain I do. Remember that you deserve better.

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