How do I Approach a Girl?

Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Male
This girl in class acts sometimes like she likes me, she smiles at me. How do I make my move? Advice
First, don't think of the girl as a wild bronco that you've got to grab with a lasso. The very best relationships always start with great friendships. If you don't have a friendship first, you run into all sorts of serious problems pretty quickly. So your real aim is to become friends with this girl. That should seem less scary! Find out what she likes. Does she like horses? Learn about horses and then ask her a question about them - "I heard that pintos were horses used by the Indians, why did they like pintos?" You'll find that they really like being thought of as "someone with knowledge that you can go to when you need help" - that's always an ego boost. Plus, people love talking about things they're interested in, so it's an easy way to get them to talk to you a lot. Once you build up a great friendship, the rest will come naturally, if it's meant to be!

-- from Jenn
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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