Hidden Feelings?

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Male
Well, even though I did the break up, I'm sure she wanted to break up with me first but she probably was too scared of hurting me so I'm basically going to take it that she broke up with me. However, I still like her but I don't know how she feels. Like I'm willing to be friends with her but she keeps changing attitudes towards me, from friendly to nice to friendly again. Also, she tries to make me jealous sometimes.

I was wondering if are there hidden feelings towards me because why would she be doing all of this stuff to annoy me if there wasn't like a hidden agenda? I've been nice mostly towards her and I don't see a reason for her to hate me :(

RomanceClass.com Advice
Your story is a little confusing.

You end up saying she might hate you. But previous to that you said she went from being friendly to nice and back to friendly.

You don't know what was going through her mind when you broke up with her. You can't decide that she broke up with you when you did it.

Think hard about the whole situation and figure out what is really going on. If she has hidden agendas, you probably do too.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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