What do i do?

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Female
Me and my boyfriend have been together for 3 going on 4 years now. We have been through the worst and the best a couple could go through. We went to high school together and graduated last spring. That whole summer we were the best we had ever been. So much we know we want to spend the rest of our lives together. We adored eachother so much. Then we both moved away in August to go to school and have been trying to maintain a long-distance relationship. However it has been extreamly hard on both of us. And as a result we found ourselves on a break due to the issues we had been having. During this break, it was made clear that we were still together, just focusing more on school and everything else. We talked a few times during. Untill one day i found out he was dating a girl i had been suspect about but he swore was just a friend. I was furiouse and confronted him and we broke up for good. I had extreem anxiety for about a 2 weeks after it happend (happend about 3 weeks ago). We had many conversations about what happened. I want him back so bad, i gave so much of myself to him and even though what he did hurt me so bad, i still want him back. And he pretty much says he still and will always love me and wants to be together, just not now because he wants to focus on school and football and all that. The thing is i would be okay with that if we were still exclusive, but the fact that he talks to this girl and she is sooooo in love with him now makes me sick. he says she'll never replace me but i dont know if i beleive that. He's going back home in May for the summer and im afraid he'll be with her. Please help me. what do i do?

RomanceClass.com Advice
You are doing the best you can for now. Long-distance romances are a devil to keep afloat, especially for four years of college.

It's only a month until you'll be back together. There is no reason to think he will be with her. Keep talking and be as close as you can without interfering with school and football.

All you have to do is to keep things going for probably less than a month. Keep a smile on your face, he can tell and will make him love you more.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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