i know shes cheating
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old MaleFisrt of all thanks alot for answering my question..well here it goes i meet this gurl a month ago and she started to talk to me all of a sudden so i just went with the flow and eventually i asked her out and she said yes but i found out she had a boyfriend that was my friend and that they have been going out for five months and then i was about to break up with her but she told me she was going to break up with him because she loved me but my bestfriend gurlfriend told me she still has feelings for my so called friend who now hates me now because of that but she still hasent broken up with him and worst of all i think i feel in love with her to early and i cant seem to break of with her what should i do
RomanceClass.com AdviceTell her you are not going to be part of a triangle.
She has to make up her mind and choose you or him. Tell her that until she breaks up with the other guy that you will be hands off with her.
This will take some strength on your part because of your feelings for her but it must be done.
Good luck! George
p.s. you also don't want to make a cheater of her.
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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