
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Female
i feel like a total idiot. i am CRAZY in love with TWO guys. i really mean it, LOVE. they are both soo different but i mix so well with both of them. ive known them both for the same amount of time, one maybe a week longer. my problem is that i seem to alwayssss think about one of them more (if you see peoples email address when they send a question, you'll know who i am talking about... i send a lot of questions about him). i always tend to think about him because he is the one who is so hard for me to get to be mine and only mine. i alwaysssss think about him. i wake up in the morning thinking about him, and i continue my entire day like that. the other one, i also love him sooo much but since he realllllly loves me back the same i feel as if he already is mine. i absolutely can not live without both of them, and i really can not pick one. when i question myself which one i like more... i realllly can not decide. what should i do? is what im doing reallly wrong?

RomanceClass.com Advice
There is a very old song that asks this question:

"Did you ever have to make up your mind? To say yes to one and let the other one slide. It's not often easy. It's not often kind. Did you every have to make up your mind?"

Unfortunately, no answer is given. Probably because there is no good answer.

My advice is to wait another week and see how things stand at that time.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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