I Know He's Cheating

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Female
im 20 yrs old guy im with is 30, we was together for over a year. when i met my boyfriend he was everything i wanted in a man and my family loves him. we seem like the perfect couple until one day i found very personal texts in his phone from a woman/women. so i confronted him he said it was very old messages. i forgave him.

months later i read messages on his wall on facebook seeming both flirting with each other. i forgave him for some reason. after a while i regained my trust but he also became distant since i moved and live further. i havent seen him for awhile since his birthday which by the way he forgot mine when it's in the same month).

he's started working several jobs and we spend little to no time anymore. my family still thinks our relationship is perfect and they still love him cause that's the only side they see.

recently i decided to keep my distance from him till i make up my mind should i stay or go. we've haven't talk in almost a month. i'm hurting cause i don't know should i reach out to him or move on.

RomanceClass.com Advice
First, while family opinions can be nice, you can't let them sway you in what you choose to do. They don't live your life, they don't see what you see every day. You have to make the decision of what is best for you and your health and well being.

This man has already shown twice in a row that he can't be trusted. His phone has texts in it. His Facebook page has flirts on it! All of this could *maybe* be explained away if he was doting on you and paying attention to you. But quite the contrary, he isn't making any effort at all to court you. Yes, he has jobs. Yes, he's not nearby. But if you look through the thousands of posts on the site there are guys who overcame FAR more serious challenges to be with the women they loved. They were dealing with thousands of miles of distance. They were dealing with 24 hour killer jobs in the medical field where they got zero sleep. Even still, they found a way - any way - to stay in touched with their loved one. This guy isn't even bothering to try.

It's always hard to break up with someone. Look at all the movies, books, and songs about it. Accept that it'll be hard. Get your friends and family together to support you. And then do it. Get through the process and move on. You deserve someone who actively cares about you and shows you his caring *daily*.

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-- from Lisa
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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