Whay is going on?

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Male
I've just started seeing a girl I work with. One evening after work I went out for a quiet drink with a few colleagues. A little while later she turns up with one of her friends and is all over me. We chat outside for a while, exchange numbers and set a date for a couple of days time. I text her a couple of times in between, just to see how she is, she replies, but maybe a day or so later. I finally met up with her and spent a couple of hours together, but she then ended it somewhat prematurely as she wanted to go clothes shopping by herself. The next day i texted her to see if she wanted to meet for a drink, but she declined citing that she had to work tomorrow(it was only 4 pm at this time). I left it the weekend and contacted her on the monday(it took her the entire day to reply) again asking how she was and promptly offered to take her out for dinner on her next day off. She replied on the wednesday evening(half way through her two days off, which she failed to tell me had changed slightly), saying that she couldn't as she had other plans.
Anyway, after a short holiday, I go back into work only to find that she's been telling everyone how annoyed she is with me because I don't speak to her enough. And when I spoke to her face to face, although being polite, I could tell that she didn't want to speak to me.

I don't feel I have done anything wrong or anything to upset her, but feel as though I'm being lead on and am tempted to cut ties with her. What would you suggest in this situation?

RomanceClass.com Advice
I think you are being led on, as your instincts are telling you. She doesn't seem very interested in you, but seems to want you in the background just in case. I'd move on.

-- from Jill
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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