A Week Later - She Won't be Friends
Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Malemy ex broke up with me over a month ago after all the typical break up stuff we stopped talking for about a week.
one day i decided to message her out of the blue just to say whats up. the conversation was light with no break up talk. but then she turned around and said that she couldn't be my friend that we were talking like friends and she cant do that......
i thought that was what she wanted and now im at a loss at what to say because when i asked she never replied
help me??????? =)
RomanceClass.com AdviceYou've only been broken up for a week. She's barely started the "crying and feeling the pain" stage. It will probably be MONTHS before she goes through all the stages of grief and is ready to be friends again. You can't rush recovery. Grief takes time to work its way through the system.
If she needs time, give her that time. That is absolutely critical in any recovery process.
-- from Lisa
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com