Getting Back Together with an Ex

Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Female
My boyfriend broke up with me two days ago. And just a few hours after we broke up we were just hanging out. But after we hung out my friend said she saw him and he gave out a big sigh and put his head in his hands right after he left me. Then he called me today, twice. And he seemed normal, like we never broke up. It was weird.

I don't know what to think. Do you think maybe me and him have another chance together? Advice
Breaking up is ALWAYS hard and there's always second thoughts going on. Obviously your boyfriend broke up with you for a reason but you never mention it at all. That reason didn't miraculously vanish. It still exists, but he of course misses you. It's very normal to miss something right after it's gone. If you had an annoying little brother and he went off to camp, you'd be glad he was gone, but you would miss him a bit, too.

The only way you guys can get back together and have it work is if you TALK ABOUT and FIX the things that were wrong before. Otherwise you'll just break up all over again. Talking about issues is always hard. But having a good relationship is worth putting effort into. It doesn't just happen.

I have advice here on having a serious talk -

sit down with him and be BRUTALLY honest about the things you saw in the relationship that weren't quite right. That could encourage him to be honest about his issues. Don't fight about these things. Just admit to what was wrong. Then brainstorm ways together to fix these things and solve them as a team.

-- from Jenn
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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He will come around

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