He broke up with no explanation

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Female
my name is Ashley this is my question its been one year since me and my ex have been broken up he never gave me a exact reason he just said it wasnt working out this hurt me deeply and i couldnt understand why just out of the clear blue sky he would end our perfect ongoing 5 month relationship! we never argued, we gave eachother enough space, i was so Happy i finally met prince charming. when he broke it off i was shocked! i couldnt understand why i even asked his "boyz" if they knew what was up with him? all they said was they didnt know and maybe he just had feelings for his ex or he just lost interest in me. This made me sad why would he loose interest in me? was he just sexually attracted to me and then he got bored so he moves on to the next beauty queen? I mean it just sucks not knowing why i tried to ask him so many times and all he said was nothing like we werent evn togther for 5 months. DOnt i deserve an answer! I spent alot of time and emotions on him. I really felt so much passion for him im so in love with him still amd im afraid my feelings for him wont ever go away. I am so scared I pray to God sometimes to help me in this situation. I hate not being with my ex he made me feel so comfortable and loved now he is gone. hes out of my life maybe even with another girl i dont wisha anything bad on him but i want him 2 know if he ever wants to try again i will i will.Please i need SOMEBODY"S advice. i would be so Grateful u

RomanceClass.com Advice
One of life's most frustrating things is to need to know the answer to something important and then realize you probably never will know for sure.

It is possible that he is immature to the point where he doesn't know himself why he broke up with you. Or he is insensitive enough to know, but be unwilling to share the reason. It might be a very petty reason. Or the petty reason may be just an excuse for a larger problem he is unwilling to talk about.

You need to stop obsessing about the past and start living in the moment and looking forward to the future. Life and love are filled with starts and stops, ups and downs, togetherness and misunderstandings. Sometimes the relationship ends.

If you can't cope with your feelings, please seek advice from your family or seek professional advice from your school psychologist.

Hope you feel better soon. The wonderful future is out there waiting for you.

Good luck,

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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