I am 13 and i want to ask someone out but i dont know how

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Male
I am 13 and i want to ask someone out but i dont know how because i went to a catholic school and did not learn much about dating because we were punished if the administration found out we even like someone and they said that we had problems. They did this to the point were most guys became gay. I dont know what to say or what to do. I am in a new school now and some of the girls i like hang out with guys i fought with or are just nuetrall with me and either dont know me or dont like me or they are my friends ex. also music is very big in my school and i am a hardcore maggot(slipknot fan) and many girls dont like them or think im weird cuz i listen to them but im not gunna give up rocking for a girl

RomanceClass.com Advice
Most 13 year old boys don't know how to ask a girl out and it isn't because they went to a catholic school, it is because they are 13.

Let's say you found a girl you want to ask out. First thing is to try to become friends with her. You do this by hanging out or just keep saying Hi to her whenever you can (with a big smile and using her name).

Even if you have trouble becoming a friend, you can still ask her out by either walking up to her and ask her to do something with you (movies, etc). Or, you could give her a note or put it in her locker telling her that you are developing feelings for her and suggest a date.

If you are shy, you will just have to get over it. Do this by practicing talking with girls every chance you get.

Hope this helps you some. Rock on!

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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