hi i want to ask out this lad he is so sweet but i dont know how
Visitor's Question from a unknown year old Femalehi i want to ask out this lad he is so sweet but i dont know how!!!! any tips 4 plz wud be very handy!! i am 11 years old and i know it's stupid to ask you but plz help me
RomanceClass.com AdviceMake sure you are a friend of his before asking him out. If you don't already know him well then start saying "hi" and his name for several times. And then ask him What's up? and he will say nothing much.
If you already are his friend then don't be shy, just walk up to him and ask him out. If you don't ask you won't get. Be brave!
Good luck,
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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