Why Does He Smile at Me?We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Female I work with someone that gives me mixed signals all the time. Everytime he comes to me to talk to me, he smiles real big and so pleasant but when he talks to other girls at work,I see him not smiling big and acts completely different with them than he is with me. He seems to be the happiest when I'm around him and he's not like that with the other girls that works there too. Sometimes the girls he goes out with comes in and he never smiles like the way he smiles when I'm around. So, why is he like that? User Submitted Advice from a 41-50 year old Female Maybe this guy really likes you,but,isn't sure how to approach you.Start talking to him yourself.Find out what his hobbies,interests,etc are.Then,hopefully,nature will take its course. Good Luck!!! The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer