Hey, I like this girl a lot, but shes got a boyfriendWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Male Hey, I like this girl a lot, but shes got a boyfriend (and things aren't really going that well and she might break up with him). What can I do to kinda... make that happen? Without being mean. I'm also about to get my drivers liscense so I can hang out with her a lot more (and she wants me to drive her around :D), just thought you could incorporate that into your anwser. Thanks User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female just wait hey i know how u fell just stik it out let them brake up and then be there for her as much as u can The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer