From the first day I saw her I just couldn't stop thinking about herWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Male Hello, I'm about 23 years old. I noticed this girl in my medical school program sitting all the way in the back. I've never experienced the true feeling of love. From the first day I saw her I just couldn't stop thinking about her. She's very cute, short, looks polite and family oriented. I tried to approach her a couple times but I couldn't as I noticed she leaves fast after the class ends and doesn't socialize that much or probably it's me. I'm okay looking but not that very attractive, and I fear because I'm a little bit thin that she might not really be intereseted in me and I don't want to break my heart, and in the same time I don't know if she has a boy friend or not. So what shall I do?. Please let me know User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Male better to know dude i know how you feel but you just half to do it cauze if you dont she might get a boyfriend then you really would bee hurt trust me cauze i was about to ask this girl out but a never did so what happen she got a boyfriend so all that brought me was pain, suffering jealousc i cried about the first day i keeped telling my what an idoit i was i hated my self for what i did so trust me trust your feelings its beter knowing then not knowing at all The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer