31 year old guy dates 17 year old girlsWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 13-20 year old Female I need to know if it is normal for a 31 year old man to want to date a 17 year old girl who is just turning 18.. I mean, what could they possibly have in common..He also seems to only want to date young girls..Does he have some sort of insecurity issue..Or is it because he thinks he is just so good looking that he should have a young girlfriend, or is he afraid of commitment? I need some advice on this because it is driving me absolutely crazy!!Please help....thank you User Submitted Advice from a 31-40 year old Male Makes them feel old Not all men who date young ladies, are trophy hunters, women also go through midlife crises as well, and get very jelouse of younger womens looks, and dont like to see men in there 30s, with younger women, as it makes them feel old. This is probably happening to the woman who answered your question from romance class.com from the answer she gave you, and if she is only in her 20s, shes not had enough life experence to answer your question! The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer