I love my best friend, he's dating someone elseWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Female I dated my boyfriend and best friend for over two years. We broke up about seven months ago, yet we are still best friends and hang out a lot together. When we hang out, there is still so much there, still this huge chemistry. We are so incredibly close. It almost feels like we're holding back. However, he has been seeing somebody for a few months. He got together with her when he found out that i hooked up with one of his friends after we broke up. We had been broken up then for about four months. When he found out that i had a thing with his friend, he was really upset and immediately started a relationship this other girl. I've tried getting over him, and it doesn't work. He was my first love. I'm so curious as if we should be together right now because it seems like so much is still left there and i am still completely in love with him and he is my best friend. It seems like he still has feelings for me too. What should I do? User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female I dated my best friend for a year, and we broke up i know how it feels, and i know it hurts. but what u have to do is be happy for him, because after a while he will see that ur happy for him and then u 2 will start talking more and more, and if u 2 love eachother enough u 2 will have another chance to make everything work. The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer