Going to movies with crushWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Male Hi, I' ve writing to you about a girl who I have a crush on, and I sent an sms asking her out, remember? Well, like she wasn't to be at home in the weekend, and we couldn't go out, today, I phoned her asking if she could go to the movies with me, this week, using an excuse that I alredy got a dvd that she asked me to get, I needed to be with her to give it to her. She told me that she could go, but she to ask her mom what day could it be, because of something related to her brother. She will send me an sms saying what day it can be. I was nervous talking to her on the phone, but I did it well and it wasn't hard, I think she couldn't notice that I was nervous. What can I do so that the date goes as better as it can go? I don't want to ruin my friendship with her, but I don't want to rush things either. Do you think I'm doing well? Thanks User Submitted Advice from a unknown year old Female Relax Yes. Keep comfortable. Remember that she is looking to see your natural self. She will be able to tell if you are not acting like yourself. Remember you want her to like you for you. But it sounds like you are doing very well. So relax and try your best. The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer