She's an 11/10 and he's 5/10

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Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Male
I’ve known this girl since we were both kids, as we live in the same street and we both go to the same youth group where she is the youth leader. We’re both 19. At the end of 2004 she partnered me to my school formal as a friend. Ever since the formal though, I’ve grown to like her a lot, to the stage where I’ve developed feelings for her. Since the formal I only ever see her once a week at the youth group. At the start of 2005 and nearly every other week I used to catch her staring at me. I could be talking to some people and she’d be in another group in another conversation, and if I was to turn or look around the room I would immediately catch her staring dead straight into my eyes for no apparent reason. Once I caught her she’d look a bit nervous, and look away. Some nights I’ve caught her out and then she does it again two minutes later. One night I was sitting down talking with someone and she was in the row in front and I just happened to look in front and caught her again. This time I held the stare and I smiled, she did too, and then turned back around.

Whenever we both hold a conversation we are both very shy towards each other, as we’re both shy people, but she always looks me in the eye so much so that I’m just too nervous to hold the contact.

If she is ever walking towards me in the street or mall she looks in my direction then quickly looks away and acts all nervous until we pass, when she does acknowledge me, sometimes acting surprised that she has seen me. Also whenever I make a mistake, be a clutz, make myself look stupid or tell a dumb joke, she’ll laugh. I’m just too scared to make a move or anything because I’m afraid of being rejected and making a fool of myself, plus she’d be an 11/10 in the looks dept, where’d I’d only rate myself 5/10 which makes me wonder why she’d be even remotely interested. I’m sort of waiting around for her to give me more of these signs before I do anything, but in the meantime I know that she might just find someone else, maybe for good, then I would loose her for good.

User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female
Treat her like a friend

ok i am just like that girl that looks at the guy she likes but then looks away real quick and acts all nervous.

i was always that way with a guy i used to like (until i got to know him!) but then this other guy would always talk to me even if i tried not to look at him or anything... and now i like the guy who talks to me and is real nice to me and he took the time to become my close friend.

my advise is treat her like a friend (with a little flirting i suppose) and say hi to her every time you see her and if she tries to walk away before you can say hi... tap her shoulder or something to get her attention.. that is what i like this one guy to do =) goodluck! i hope my advise isnt too confusing.. (im pretty tired..)

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