My friend asked him out for me, but ran away before he answered. Now he is shy.We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 13-20 year old Female My friend told this guy that I like that I want to go out with him. However, she didn't receive an answer because she heard one of his guy friends coming and he was saying,"Ooooo." She left right away because she was afraid that his friend would have a negative effect on his answer. Ever since, he's been really shy around me, but my friends say he looks at me when he thinks I'm not looking.He even occasionally looks right at me (and so do his friends). He just looks embarrassed a lot. I was also in the hall the other day and I thought I heard his friend telling someone, "Look,there's his girlfriend." What do I do now? Does this guy even like me? User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female He doesn't care note this girl u are off the chain look though he don't like u at all not even alittle something is going on with probably him and a nother girl right now if he's acting like that i been in alot of relationships take my word holla! The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer