I Am So Freaking Confused!!!!We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Female Currently, I am in a relationship with my boyfriend of one month, and I love him, but right now, I feel as though I can't do anything. I feel this way for many reasons- one, he's my ex-boyfriend's best friend and, two- he's so close but we never do anything. I mean, he calls every once in a while, but it just doesn't feel real most times. My situation is made worse because I am still deeply in love with his best friend, who is my ex-boyfriend. When we broke up, it was understandable because we had our own to worry about, but I've hurted him so many times in the past and he's not willing to give me another chance at love. He says he still loves me but he just can't see himself in a relationship with me again. It hurts me because he's the only one I can think of day and night, and it makes me cry when I think of the past and how things used to be and how things could've been if I didn't make the decision to be with the other guy. Now, I have to break up with my current boyfriend because I feel as though I'm lying to him and I acted out of impulse on being with him. Is this the right thing for me to do??? I am so confused!!! User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female put past behind i was in the same situation not so long ago,but i gave my boyfriends best friend a chance,(your current boyfriend) i found that even though i still had feelings for my ex, it slowly faded even though to this day i still think about him. im still with the same guy now for over a year. and i love him, and im so happy i allowed myself to put my past boyfriend behind me. GOOD LUCK The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer