heartbreakWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Female I have known this guy for 12 years and we have drifted in and out of each others lives. Right now we are both going through losses. His wife divorced him & my younger brother just passed away. Our lives have always been in different stages through high school & college. There would be some years that we didn't talk at all and go in different directions. Then I would see him or hear from him and we'd be in touch again. And to top it off we now live in different states. I'm very close to his family and his younger brother has been a good friend since I lost mine. I just don't know if things will ever work out with him. He keeps popping up into my life and when I acknowleged this and told him I cared for him he freaked out and said "I have always cared about you as a friend ok I take back the always but I can't give you any more than that I'll leave that up to you" (I have been in a relationship for a few years now. I was happy until I saw him in person. When we are together it's so right) and I'm lucky to see him b/c he's so far away ugh now I cannot stop thinking about him. I am about to move away and thinking about him a lot but don't know what to do. Our class reunion is in august and I'm scared to see him b/c I will be there with someone and so will he this will be so awkward. I care about him so much and I'm still hurting. What should I do? User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Male Dress up Get him out of your mind your a "stonefox" enjoy your life b/c he doesn't deserve you. And be sure to look totally fabulous when you arrive at the reunion so this indecisive loser can see what a great girl he missed out on. Bet he'll be sorry... The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer