Dumped by SOUL MATE

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 41-50 year old Male
I am a saved young man who was recently dumped by a saved woman I believed was my soul mate, when I say that she complete me, she did just that but she told me that God told her that she deserve better and that I was not what he has for her. So how do you deal with that me being a christian, I am not trying to be anger at God but now she treats me like I am a nobody when she see me at church, or around. If I speak she turns her head or gets really nasty, but she was the one who told me that if she want to talk to me she will call me and when ever she see me she said she will speak but it seams that she hates me now. I some what feel that this breakup was my falt. How do I get over being dumped by my soulmate.

User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female
Accept and forgive

You know I was in a 2.5 year relationship and he was my first boyfriend. SO of course you are going to think that he is totally and utterly right for you. When you talk about hurt its all hurt from the heart. If you think about it logically, like whether your core values were the same, whether you really brought the best out of eachother, whether he had some characteristics that you really couldnt stand, then you understand why you are maybe not together anymore. Your religious right? you belive in GOD. Well belive this, dont you think that he has a greater plan for you? Dont you think that he wants you to be a happy individual? He wants the best for you and so even though you may not see it now and it hurts like crazy and you cant stop thinking about him. Its for the best. Because in the near future you are going to meet someone great. Someone who had all the great qualities of you old boyfriend but 10 times better. And then you are going to understand why this all happened. There is a bigger plan for all of us. You just have to trust that whatever happens, it all happens for a reason.

so while you may miss him now, feel like he doesnt love you anymore, angry becuase he broke it up, lost because hes not there, upset because you life is different, just remember that he is hurting too. And the best thing that you can do to start the healing process is to forgive him. Forgive him for all the hurt and anguish that he caused you and understand that he too is only human. Then be gratfel for all the love that he did give you and the special moments that you shared together and thank him for it. Then think and feel how your ultimate relationship will be. hold an image of the perfect person you can see yourself with, feel the love that radiates his body, feel the feelings of how he would look at you and see in his eyes his ultimate love for you and only you. Imagine what the future holds for you to and live out you perfect life with him in your mind. WHile at times it may sound crazy, you do this long enough and you begin to feel good. you begin to feel loved and you begin to feel happy. Becasue you feel this way you are only going to attract people and cirumstances that match you inner world.

And when you think happy thoughts and feel it, when you look on the world outside, then thats all that you see. A happy world filled with love.

So thats all i have to suggest and now the hardest part for me, is for me to take my own advice!

live and let live


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