He gives me mixed signalsWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Female My boyfriend and I have been together nearly 3 years and everything was great. For the last few months thought he'll get mad at me for stupid things like calling to see if he wants to do lunch. He says that if he wants to talk to me then he'll call me and otherwise I shouldn't call him. Plus if he's out and promises to call me back he doesnt and says he was too busy to even spend 2 mins on the phone to say he was busy and couldnt talk. But when we do get together he's always happy and tries to cheer me up. We used to have great communication but now it seems like he doesnt care about my feelings and when I bring it up he'll get mad again and say I should just understand he's too busy to spend time with me or talk to me and when he has time he'll call me. How can I make him understand that by not keeping promises and getting mad if I ask him to hang out really hurts me? He doesnt seem to understand. User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female Don't waste time honestly..just forget it! start hanging out with friends more and meet new people! get into more things and become busy yourself! maybe his problem is that he thinks your too clingy or that you rely on him too much. so just give him some space and get into your own things. he'll either come around when he sees your more indepent, or youll find someone much better! dont waste your time on someone who wont waste there time on you. The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer