He still won't listen

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Original Visitor's Question from a 13-20 year old Female
I have another question to ask...my ex boyfriend is still attached. I broke up with him a month ago. we are really good friends still though. the reason i broke up with him is because i wasnt ready. I am 15 and i feel like i need to expeience more before i pick out my soul mate no matter if i love him or not...because how will i know? but thats not the point. The point is, that he has told some friends about our break up and now he says he is going to tell everyone that asks that we are back together. I think this is wrong because you should tell them the truth. He really wants me back and he was such a good boyfriend to me, but i cant because im not ready and it was the only thing i could do..you know? and i tell him that over and over and he thinks we could have worked it out, but how can you work out a feeling? He expects me to be going out with another guy "better" than him in a matter of months, when i only want lots more friends im not looking into relationships right now becuase i need to focus on other things. Basically my question is, what do i say to him when he tells me that he is going to tell people we got back together. and how do i tell him to move on...even though i have a number of times,,,how do i really make him realize? if you could answer those to questions for me i would be so grateful! thanks

User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Female

I can totally understand what you are going through. I have been with my boyfriend for four years...and I feel the same way as you do...I want to have other experiences and establish my life as an individual...I tried to break up with my boyfriend many times...but he starts crying and tell me things that just break my heart...I really start feeling bad for him...I love him- he is also my best friend, but I don’t think I am IN love with him.
However, I cant tell him that because I am afraid it will kill him...Either way, I am afraid to break him down...Its not that I don’t enjoy being with him, but I feel that there may be someone else out there for me...

For those people who are giving advice to this girl, keep in mind that what she is doing is EXTREMELY difficult....

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