Help!! Again!!We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 13-20 year old Female Me again! I asked my crush to Winter Ball through a note which he lost b4 he could read. Sad part, him and his gf got back together. We r still friends tho. All my friends say that they kno he likes me. At a basketball game he was flirting with me, after he got back together with his gf. In the note where he said no when I asked him out he said I was hot! I just dont know what to do. User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female ask in person Hmph. First of all, don't listen to a d*** thing your friends say. Their opinions don't matter until your actually IN a relationship (ex. ALL your friends say your boyfriend is a jerk, and treats you badly. [That's when you should take their opinions]) Next subject. That guy is flirting with you, right? He has a girlfriend,right? Do you really think this guy is honest and would make a good boyfriend, if he's flirting with you while he's in a relationship? What makes you think he ISN'T going to flirt with other girls, if he's ever in a relationship with you? IF he breaks up again, and you STILL think he'd bee 100% loyal to you, then by all means go for it! Just don't be scheming and plotting his current girlfriends doom, while he's still taken. (Guys don't like evil girls: They usually are the one's who spend their time trying to ruin the dude's life, If and when they break up) And a hint for the future. NEVER right something personal down, and give it to your crush. If you do, it could become the main joke between his friends, and he'd have proof that you wrote it. If someone else found that note you could have had a major rumor spread around about you. Trust me, it's easier if you just ask out the dude in person. (Ok >< So it's not easier, but less consequences come out of it) The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer