what does a dream mean if there is kissing involvedWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Female I had a fantasy last night that my 21 yr old friend of five years kissed me. It all started he was sitting on the bus on the way to somewhere, he all of a sudden kisses me and then he kisses my roomate. What do you think it means for me and him and what will happen in the future. I know you only give advice and not a phsyic User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Female Analyze it This may be late but hopefully it can still help. I have been analyzing my dreams since I was about 13. I always kept a dream journal. I also realized I get the best or most "impressionable" dreams around the full moons, they seem to mean more about whatever the subject dreamt about. Here for you it seems that maybe you sense he is interested in your roomate AND you. Maybe he hasn't relized his feelings for you yet or that he hasn't gathered up courage to break the friendship you have - taking the relationship to the next level. They say starting out as friends, usually are the best relationships because you are getting actual time to get to know each other and feelings develop even stronger. It could also mean an anxiety of sorts. The best way to tell you about your dream, is you have to analyze it for yourself critically and think what the dream could possibly mean for you. In dreams, not everything is at it seems, usually are symbols or stand for something else. Only you would know what those mean and how it pertains to YOUR life. You just have to pick it out for yourself. Write down or think of at least 3 possible answers and wait to see if it happens. That is the best that I can tell you. You have to really look, but there are psychics who do specialize in dreams. Dreams are also, how spiritually connected you are with yourself and the world around you. - D.K.(BR) The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer