kinda cheatingWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Female I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years. About the 2nd year into it, I made friends with a guy. I kissed him on the cheek once and he stopped being my friend. I saw him about a year ago and we went shopping and reunited our friendship. My boyfriend and I started declining in our relationship around september. My friend started being friendlier around december. Now I'm with my friend once a week, playing dungeons and dragons with the boys who all tell me to break up with my boyfriend and go out with my friend. My boyfriend and I have always fought about our different religions and I feel this relationship will go no where and that since I have been seeing my friend (although there has been no sex or sex acts)I feel confused. I almost feel peer-pressured into dateing my friend and dumping my boyfriend. I feel bad for what I do, but I have tried talking to my boyfriend and he does not want to fix our problems. What should I do? User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female ask him look, tell ur bf that u care about him, but it seems like he doesnt care about you, tell him that people have told u 2 brake up with him, and ask him if he wants the relation ship to go on The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer