Break off engagement?We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Male OK heres my questions. ive been engaged to my girl for about 8 months, when i first met her she worked and was so full of life! Now it seems all she is doing is NOTHING, sits at home and watches movies and cleans her moms house.Also she lives 120 miles away from me so thats a strain as well. Ive been tryin to push this a side but i want a woman that can take care of herself and not rely on a man to do things for her. The other thing is that her mother has soooo much control over her its not even funny they dont even know we are engaged yet shes to afaird to tell them. So my question is should i stay or should i just go ive talked to her before about this and it doesnt seem to do any good!!!! just goes right back to the way it was before. User Submitted Advice from a 41-50 year old Male She's a leech Break it off! She's a leach! The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer