I Love my Girlfriend - but I Cheated

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Male
I have been with my girlfriend for almost 2 months and everything is going great, i have never cheated in my life and i told her i would never cheat. 2 months have passed, I am not in love with her yet but i do see it happening.

last night i gave into temptation and slept with another girl. This girl was all over me and i told her to not get up on me like that because i had a girlfriend, i was drunk and i gave in and started messing around with her and eventually slept with her. I feel so bad,i feel that i dont deserve my girlfriend, She is such a perfect girl, one that i could marry down the road. i just dont know if im ready for such a perfect girl but i dont want to give her up and lose something that could have made me happy for the rest of my life.

so now i feel bad and dont know what to do. But one thing i do know is i really like my girlfriend alot and dont want to lose her for some one night stand. please help me i dont want to cheat!

User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female

my boyfriend just cheated on me. We have been together for 9 months. but he has a heavy concious and he is a really good guy. i thought he was the only guy in the whole world that would never cheat. he is such a goody goody and he has been like that all his life and i think that he just wanted to expierience something he never has before. i know him so well, i know that he is sorry and that it was the biggest mistake of his life. i know that he loves me...but i cant forgive him yet. you have to tell your girlfriend. as hard as it will be, you have to. she is going to cry and probably say that she never wants to see you again- she might push you out of her way and tell you to just let her go...but she needs to know. when she does all that stuff DONT LET HER LEAVE...don't let her go. stand in front of the door all night long if you have to. make her talk to you even if you don't feel like you deserve it. after hearing you cheated on her...she needs to know that you care. she needs a huge dramatic scene from you. she wants you to show her how sorry you are. you can't just tell her your sorry. that doesn't cut it. you have to get on your knees and hold her and beg for her forgivness. when my boyfriend balled and did all that stuff i knew...i knew that it was the biggest mistake of his life. i knew he truely loved me. if he didn't he would have let me walk out that door forever. we aren't back together b/c i don't trust him...but i am atleast giving him the chance to rebuild my trust back up again. it will take a long long time and lots of hard work.....but if you love your girl enough and if she is worth it...do anything humanly possible to prove that. please tell her.

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