I am extremely jealous of my boyfriends ex wifeWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 51-60 year old Female I am extremely jealous of my boyfriends ex wife.They have remained friends and he still occasionally wants to see her,either at her home or to go out to dinner.I am truly struggling w/ this and our arguments are bad.I just don't know if I am wrong or if he is wrong to ask me to be okay w/ this. I don't know how to overcome this feeling,and I would like to ask for your help. thank you jealous in md. User Submitted Advice from a 31-40 year old Female Terrible answer That's a TERRIBLE answer. Your boyfriend is completely disrespecting you on this and you need to address it. If he is doing this to you I am sure there are other things he is doing (and I mean out of a lack of respect for you). An EX is just that...an EX. In the past, not current, etc. Personally, I have better things to do than sit around and wait for a man to wake up (and I KNOW YOU DO TOO). I'd ditch the man (nicely of course), move on with my life and if he ever happens to wake up and open his eyes then he'll try to get you back. Otherwise, if he never does see the light, then you are WAY better off. I'm dating someone right now who is considering spending the NIGHT with his ex-wife when he goes to pick up his daughter. If he makes that choice, we are done. It just isn't acceptable. That's my opinion but I believe it's VERY CORRECT! ;) The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer